I started early on with a deep love for animals.  As long as they had four legs and a tail, I was all in.  My horse crazy youth led me to the abundant world of showing stable horses.  While this was satisfying, there was still a deep longing for one of my own.  A long term commitment, a neck to hug, a muzzle to softly touch.  My dream came true with the horse of a lifetime, the longing was over.

Alvaro introduced me to amazing life lessons of serious health conditions and of healing.  He opened my eyes to the importance of nutrition, and to alternate healing modalities such as Distance Healing, Acupressure, Aromatherapy, and Flower Essences to name a few.

In the end he taught me the art of letting go, which was the impetus for my first curious steps into Animal Communication and Energy Healing.  I still ride horses and I share my world with the amazing Stella.  Stella is an old Australian Cattle Dog mix.

I discovered my niche of death and crossing over while working with holistic veterinarian, Wendy Robinson DVM. I helped many of her clients work through health issues and end of life concerns.

Finding each animal's purpose and capturing their unique essence allows for endless possibilities. I am honored to be of service to animals and their humans. 


I was pleased to work with both domestic and wild animals during my apprenticeship.  Many of my domestic clients are horses, dogs, cats and birds.  I have been known to read an occasional chinchilla and show chicken. 

In the sanctuary world, I shared communication mostly with primates.  I spent numerous visits to the Gibbons Conservation Center in Santa Clarita, CA.  Gibbons are  small, arboreal apes that could easily land a job in the Cirque du Soleil.  

In the Zoo world, I have remotely communicated with primates from the Los Angeles Zoo, including  gorillas and orangutans.  They were fascinating and filled with depth.  I feel fortunate to have the chance to connect with species so familiar.

My most memorable experience with wild animals was in Bimini swimming with wild Atlantic Spotted Dolphins.  They were so entertaining and present.  It was a delightful experience and one never to be missed.  My favorite day, I called the baby parade day.  It seemed as though each mother dolphin swam passed with a baby, pair after pair.  I felt I was smiling as much as they were.

My specialty in the realm of Animal Communication is death, dying, and crossed over animals. I am able to reveal the physical, spiritual, emotional, and preferential parts of the whole animal whether they are alive or have crossed over.


This life we live is a simple exploration.  We know not of it’s duration, only that each day is a new gift to continue the journey.  A fluid turn in my personal journey was the day I first connected with animals.  An entire world opened up to me, I had met my match.

It is my vision to develop and nurture this gift I found on the road to becoming my best self.  My favorite part is the feedback and the smiles from clients who for a moment have a new awareness of their beloved pets.  Whether the animal’s job is in service, protection, or best snuggle partner ever, it is a huge shift to begin to know them as well as you know yourself.

I feel strongly that harmony between pets and their humans is possible and the lessons are beyond counting , like stars at night.  Respect your pet as your guide with their kind and wise words.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.
— Albert Einstein